Wednesday Wisdom – The Method of the Grandmother

Hello! This week's Wednesday wisdom  includes ideas worth sharing, admiration and the mystical way of the grandma!  My great grandfather just celebrated his 106th birthday. The love he has shown to his family and community has been broad,deep and interconnected. His...

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The Importance of Discovery

I hate labels. They kill what I think is our natural curiosity for exploration and discovery. This quest for new possibilities, that fabulous place of being in a state of unknowing

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Wednesday Wisdom #5 – Brave New Voices

Today's Wednesday Wisdom talks about unexplored dreams, ROI and the importance of inviting brave new voices into our space. I hope you like it-- and keep the comments and feedback coming! Go out and love somebody like you mean it!

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Napkin Sketches-The Science Of Ideas

Sophiology- The science of ideas.Until I learned this fabulous word in my mind I referred to this process as”napkin sketches”. You know what happens when you are discussing some great concept with colleagues then the lightning bolt hits you. You grab the closest piece of scrap paper or napkin and start the idea birthing process.

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Wednesday Wisdom #4

Hello! This week's Wednesday Wisdom digs into the magic and alchemy of " letting go". I send you all love and energy and joy for a positive week. Take Care!

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The Failure Report

I promised myself that once a year I will create a failure report. This report will capture all of my mistakes and the lessons learned. It will be used as a tool for growth and accountability. I plan on sharing this report with all those folks that have supported and continue to support me as a young entrepreneur

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1 in 8

  Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. Nelson Mandela Now. Today. At this very moment , almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. That’s one in eight of us. 1 in 8 As you go through your day I want you to...

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Got Students?

     The natural idealism of youth is an idealism, alas, for which we do not always provide as many outlets as we should. Sargent Shriver Young people play a vital role in tackling the many global and local challenges of the day.  But you guys are smart and already...

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Wednesday Wisdom #3

Hi Everyone, Its Wednesday and time for another video blog. This weeks message is about Ghandi, Buddha and priorities. Please keep the feedback coming, I love to hear your thoughts and I appreciate it!

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