Reveling in Possibility

Reveling in Possibility

Friends, My body, my heart, and my spirit has felt different these last 48 hours. Has yours? Lighter. Buoyant. Expansive. My heart has been fortified. Strengthened. I’ve been reflecting on why –and there are so many things to point to, many, but I keep coming back to...

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Slow, Deep, Irreversible Work

Slow, Deep, Irreversible Work

Hey y'all! My friend, April Baskin, was on a panel in San Francisco recently and was talking about white supremacy, anti-semitism, and anti-Black racism. April mentioned a quote from an artist and organizer, Ricardo Levins Morales: “The work we do should be slow,...

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Soft with each other hard on systems

Soft with each other hard on systems

Hello friends! Last week, I had the privilege and honor of speaking on two different panels about how the systems we find ourselves in are hard on every one of us. They are hard on us emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Yet, we continue to fight to...

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Is it ok to celebrate an inch? Takeaways from 2023

Is it ok to celebrate an inch? Takeaways from 2023

Hi y’all,  A theme we've seen throughout the year with our clients is folks feeling disheartened because their DEI and racial equity work didn’t make as much progress as they’d hoped. We’ve watched staff managing the fallout from layoffs, funding gaps, resource...

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The only liberation is a shared liberation

The only liberation is a shared liberation

Last week I sat on my porch with one of my closest friends who is Jewish. We talked about the pain, grief, and anger we were experiencing as we witnessed so much death in Israel and Palestine. As we spoke I affirmed how the epigenetic trauma of seeing Jews pulled from...

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Friendship & Freedom: Free Workshop

Friendship & Freedom: Free Workshop

REGISTRATION IS CLOSED: Hi friends, we're grateful for your interest! We've hit our capacity for this event and plan to run additional sessions once I'm back from my sabbatical. If you're not on our mailing list please sign up (bottom of this page) Let's get free!...

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I’m committing to rest: my sabbatical

I’m committing to rest: my sabbatical

“If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” -Zora Neale Hurston Deeply tired, emotionally exhausted Black women seem to be the norm. Many of us watched our mothers, and grandmothers, and aunts, continue to take on more, and more, and...

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Work Cultures Should Not Consume Us

Work Cultures Should Not Consume Us

I have a question, what do you think your life would look like if everything (or even a few!) of the below were reality? Universal health care Universal sick-leave benefits Universal childcare and elder care National parental/care-giver leave policy Thriving wage...

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