Writing for Liberation

For the past few summers, I have decided to take some time and reflect on big complex questions. Through a writing and reflection practice I wanted to speak freedom into existence and invite others to join me. I wanted to explore what it means to be revolutionary, radical, and free.

So every June I create weekly writing prompts and build a community around them so that we can explore personal and collective liberation together.

I want us to imagine together. Imagine what it is like to breathe the fresh air of liberation, to live with the assurance of safety, to swim in the waters of justice and peace.

We have never spent one day without white supremacy or patriarchy. I believe we need to collectively vision what that world would be like so that we can bring it into being.

I invite you to do this work alongside me and others. Join us as we question, reframe, and explore.



Sister Summer is 4-week self-paced writing intensive which centers the experiences, voices, and narratives of cis and trans women and non-cis men. All who identify with the message and are looking to center and honor these experiences are welcome to join.

We kick off June 2nd and for the entire month you’ll get reflection prompts from me three times a week, access to a Slack channel if you want to connect with other folks as well as resources to further your learning.

You can read about all the details here.

We have to recreate our world, and that means starting with ourselves. We must dismantle our internalized oppression as we dismantle institutions and writing is one way to do it.

Unleash the full force of your voice.

I hope you can join us!

PS– to all the Black women reading this, I’d be grateful if you would participate in this incredibly important survey. Written by Black women for Black women, to support Black women.
To allies –please share it far and wide.

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