They Will Expect The Same Of You

2013-09-05 21.09.12

Josiah Franklin and Abiah his wife lie here interred. They lived lovingly together in wedlock fifty-five years. Without any estate, or any gainful employment, by constant labor and industry, with God’s blessing, they maintained a large family comfortably, and brought up thirteen children and seven grandchildren reputably. From this instance reader, be encouraged to diligence in thy calling and distrust not Providence.

~  Epitath  Benjamin Franklin’s parents

Research has found that as a trait, grit had better predictability for success than status or privilege.

Did you hear me… better than status or privilege.  You are welcome.

That changes the game. It creates more awesome.

I once heard it said that grit is the original app for getting stuff done. It’s old school and I like it.

A lot of people don’t want, nor do they expect you to be successful or get things done.  Why?

Because they won’t do it themselves and they will expect the same of you.

They will expect nothing.

It could be that you are trying to change an industry. Create something new. You could be creating a legacy for your family or easing some constant pain in your community.

Whatever it is you are trying to do, many folks will tell you it cannot, or should not be done. Others will doubt you and even worse, you will doubt yourself.

You will tell yourself stories about what a screw up you are or how you are not connected enough or how you are too much or how you are not enough.

Those are things you can get over or under or walk through to get to the other side – If you believe you can. If you do the work.

The cost of doubt is far reaching and the price of inaction is great.

That is the best reason ever to raise your middle finger high and to tell the world  ” watch me be awesomer“.

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