What Will You Read in 2012?



One of my favorite  exercises to do with new clients is ask them what they consume in a given day. I am not talking about food or empty calories or their french fry fetish. I am talking about knowledge. How and where do they consume knowledge?

Leaders that value learning are important to your organizations evolution.

Running a nonprofit is hard work and amazingly time consuming, We all know that there is always another report to write, meeting to attend and potential funder to chat with.


Yet as a nonprofit leader you need to make time and consume knowledge. You should build this step into your calender and make it apart of your regular routine. It should be a priority.

Now that we have a bright new year before us and I know many of you are making plans and resolutions for 2012, I ask you this: What Will You Read in 2012?

Some recommendations to get you started:

Full disclosure; Please note that these links are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission for the referral.

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation by Parker J. Palmer

A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink

Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip & Dan Heath

Transitions by William Bridges

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Becoming A Person of Influence:How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others by John C. Maxwell and Jim Dornan

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin

No More Throw-Away People: The Co-Production Imperative by Edgar S. Cahn

Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest by Peter Block

Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath

Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert D. Putnam


This list encompasses everything from books on community building to human behavior and is just a quick list to get you thinking.  What would you add to my list? What would you take away?


Remember, you are what you consume! What will you consume in 2012?


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