Wednesday Wisdom- You Need A Coach

You cannot teach a person anything; you can only help him find it within himself.


You need coaching.  You may have started off  managing  programs and now you are at the helm of a huge organization. The skills that brought you there are not the ones that keep you there. Again, you do killer work but sometime you feel overwhelmed  keeping all the balls in the air everyday. Some days you just want a unbiased ear to help you think through next steps, or offer advice on working with your board or that difficult employee.  Coaching can have enormous value as a stand-alone strategy for developing leaders and their organizations. Many organizations are waking up to this critical point and are looking for leaders that understand the value of coaching.

Statistical surveys and anecdotal evidence both make it clear that  coaching is  a great instrument for advancing nonprofit leadership and improving nonprofit organizational effectiveness.

When is a nonprofit leader ready for coaching?

When they:

  • Believe  that coaching can help
  • Can expresses what is really going on (confidentially) i.e. not withholding
  • Commit to it (even if assigned by someone above)
  • Embrace the idea of self-improvement
  • Manage the time for it
  • Comfortable with the cost
  • Willing to learn

If this is you go out and find a coach that you have rapport with and get started!


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If you want to build core  nonprofit management skills crucial to your organization’s success you can schedule some 1:1 time with me here or learn about other ways we can work together here.

You can also get inspiration, ideas, resources  tools and freebies including my latest report:  Top 5 questions you need to think about before you go out and change the world by signing up for my  newsletter






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