We Have What We Need

Photo Credit : Jordan Dinwiddie


Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it’s at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.
Audrey Hepburn

I had no plans to write a post today…none what so ever. I was in the middle of crafting a report for a client when I had this overwhelming urge to share this message:

We have what we need.

Every hamlet, small town, urban center and community has what it needs. Every community like every human  has the power to maximize its potential.

To create jobs.

To reduce crime.

To change systems.

To be healthy.

To be resilient.

To live with dignity

To build capacity

To change perceptions.

To transform.

We’ve got what we need.

Every problem is solvable, but not by some fictional super hero.  No outsider.

No hero will come and save you. Save us. Stop waiting and hoping for some outside resource to be your savior.

They can at most be your support.

You have what you need

You know things. You have this essential wisdom that can never be taken from you. You can be  triumphant on this journey if you work from those values and principles. No formal authority required. No permission from higher ups needed.

No need to get lost in hierarchy and ego.

You will be triumphant on this journey…. but you have to believe.

We all have this ability. Not just some of us…all of us. We are all capable of so much more than we ever imagined. This is not just for a select few. Not just for the chosen.

Bet on your ideas. Bet on yourself. Choose you.

Believe in your power and your ability to transcend circumstance and environment. To transcend history and identity. Transcend stories of yester-year and yesterday.

You have what you need

To be adaptable

To be resourceful

To act

To connect

To fight back

To be radical

To be compassionate

To be an activist

To shine

To improve relationships

To make lasting change and shape a new future…. together.






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