The Ability To Care


Love begins by taking care of the closest ones – the ones at home. ~Mother Teresa








I have designed and managed programs  for over 25 years…. and in that time I have learned a thing or two ….so when I say what I am about to say know that I mean it.

Programs are not the answer. People are the answer.

Programs are the medium.  They should change and evolve as time, circumstances, finances and environment demands.

People are the answer.

We are the answer to this economic crisis. We are the answer to the famine in Somalia. We are the answer to racism and sexism. We are the answer to  saving our earth.

Not mega systems or institutions. Us.

Why?  Because we as people have the ability to care.

Our institutions can only offer service -not care. We cannot purchase care. Only people can offer care.  That makes all the difference.

Care is the freely given commitment from the heart of one to another.

No one can make us offer it. We have to want to offer up the gift of care. We have to see the value of it.

The value of taking care of other.

Taking good care of each other

As community, we care for each other. We care for our children. We care for our elders. And it is this care that is the basic power of a community.  That care is the basis of all that is loving and kind.

Our way is made possible by the power to care.


Care is the name we give to a powerful relationship:
I care about this school and our traditions.
I will care for him through his illness.
I care about the safety and well being of all in this neighborhood.
I care about our youth.


These “cares” are the powerful source of life.

They allow people to find a soft spot to land after they leave prison. It allows  addicts to rebuild their lives.

It allows the hungry to be fed and the homeless to find shelter. It is the grace that is granted to each of us.

Connections are  not motivated by money, privilege or prestige. The force that holds us together, is care.

Let us remember that care does not come from managers, systems, or professions.

Care comes from people.









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