Taking your Career from Blahh to Rahh!!



Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis.  -Martha Beck



Did you miss my call today?  We discussed this and so much more:

  • What is the normal process that people go through when they’re making a career change?-NORMAL is hard to define but we review the  key stages of process.
  • How do folks normally leave one career and create a new, more rewarding one or why is letting go of average in hopes for fantastic so HARD?
  • Are their any special question or steps for those in the nonprofit sector? I am passionate about my work and I can NOT leave the community I work with, even though its killing me.
  • I worked for YEARS to get this title….how can I be expected to give it up?

I shared  key steps/ stages of successful career transformation (based on model by William Bridges in his groundbreaking book,Transitions.)

Reinventing yourself requires time, and a great deal of courage, strength, patience, self-love, and faith. Let this call be the first step on your journey!

Click here to listen…


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