Reveling in Possibility


My body, my heart, and my spirit has felt different these last 48 hours. Has yours?

Lighter. Buoyant. Expansive.

My heart has been fortified. Strengthened.

I’ve been reflecting on why –and there are so many things to point to, many, but I keep coming back to this…

On Sunday afternoon a world of possibilities exploded before us.

Vice President Kamala Harris became the presumptive democratic presidential nominee, uplifted by waves of support.

When was the last time I felt this much possibility? It’s been a minute y’all.

Reveling in possibility doesn’t mean that everything is now perfect, that a candidate is perfect, that systems of harm have been overcome. It doesn’t mean we stop fighting for a free Palestine or Sonya Massey right now at this moment.

It means we get more space, more fuel, more energy, to imagine a new tomorrow.

One of the weapons of supremacy is to constrain our belief, our imaginations, to cut us off from envisioning different, better, ways of being. To stop us from believing in new possibilities. To stop us from believing in each other.

The collective visualizing of a Black, Indian American woman as president has blasted open our collective imagination. I feel it in my body, and it has reminded me what I know to be true, that our collective imagination is what allows us to show up and fight these systems.

The power of possibilities opens us to beauty and inspiration. It has ushered in so much joy and laughter…and hope-scrolling!

We won’t make liberation probable without first dreaming of what’s possible.

The Adaway Group will have much more to say in the coming weeks about what this means for organizations, for coalition building, and our communities. Until then,

May we harness and revel in this power. It is ours to claim.

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Reveling in Possibility

Friends, My body, my heart, and my spirit has felt different these last 48 hours. Has yours? Lighter. Buoyant. Expansive. My heart has been fortified. Strengthened. I’ve been reflecting on why –and there are so many things to point to, many, but I keep coming back to...