Questions lead to Liberation. 

Questions lead to Liberation. 

I believe this  full stop.  

The right questions lead us to personal growth and breakthroughs, deepen our relationships, and, in community, lead us to the creation of new systems and policies… new strategies, and new challenges.

Questions are how we develop our own analysis… 

I always spend time in the months of January and July creating space for intentional reflection. I love pausing to think about the ways I have shown up and the ways I’ve missed the mark. How have I built community, and in what ways have I been of true service? Where do I need to grow and explore my learning edges?

It keeps me focused on learning, not focused on judging.

I want to share some of my favorite questions. These prompts are here to help you reflect on the last six months and on where you might head next!

As always, one ground rule: Don’t use this as an opportunity to beat yourself up. Rejoice in what you’ve learned so far, where you’ve been stretched, and take this as a chance to do some adjusting, stretching, and growing where needed!

  • List all the ways you really showed up for yourself this year, which had the biggest influence on you?
  • What projects, collaborations, relationships, etc., helped you make the type of impact you most desire? How did these make you feel?
  • What did you give up on too easily? What did you learn from that?
  • What did you do that worked? Why did it work?
  • What did you do that didn’t work? Why didn’t it work?
  • Where could you have extended more grace to yourself?
  • Have you been apologizing for taking up space? How? Why?
  • What am I really scared of?
  • What does liberation feel like in my body?
  • What words do you need to hear?
  • What steps do you need to take to have more joy in your life in the new year?
  • What does radical kinship and connection look like in your life?
  • What is one positive change you want to actualize with your work before June 2022?

And one more important question for 2022:

How can you dissent or resist in ways that feel healthy and healing?

Feel free to share your answers over on my Facebook wall or on Twitter; I always love seeing what y’all are chewing on!

Let’s get free!

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