Plotting A Revolution



Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth.
Tom Barrett


Deep down in my core I am a radical. In my younger hippie days I dreamed of being the spark that starts a revolution.  I was the kid that kept a super long list of items  being boycotted— no table grapes in support of the farm workers, only fair trade, shade grown coffee,  no Nestle  products in my home EVER. Power to the people!

 I started shopping with my mom in middle school not because I liked it- just so I could make sure she only purchased items that I deemed to be correct, fair and just.

I was THAT kid. I am still THAT kid.

A revolution from the Latin revolutio, “a turn around” is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.

Now let me be clear, I am not talking about a violent revolution-which I do not condone. But I do condone fundamental power changes within organizations and within ourselves.  I believe in evolution. The breaking of constraints, the burning of sacred cows, the pointing out of the elephant in the room, all things that turn our lives upside down.

 It creates chaos. Chaos is that wonderful formless state when something has ended, but the something new has not yet been birthed into being. From chaos comes pain and unpredictability. From chaos comes innovation, art and beauty.

The prospect of open conflict or of a” turn around” is so stomach turning to many people that they often choose to walk away rather than deal with a situation. Others try to look the other way for as long as possible. We as humans will do a lot of things so that we do not create chaos in our lives.

Yet that is an illusion. Its an illusion for organizations and an illusion for us as individuals.

 Life is unpredicatable. Revolutions are unpredictable. Once they are started we have no idea where they will end. We all want to know the outcome and in reality we cannot. We cannot and should not control everything in our lives. In chaos you can have routines, and systems that provide an anchor and  comfort to you. We all need those things. We just do not get to control it all the time.

Over the past few weeks I have actually felt a bit angry.  I am a  bit  frustrated. I want to be heard.  I want to fight. I want to over throw. I want to turn things around.

 I hear the rumblings out there….I see your discomfort and discontent.  It breaks my heart.

So I am plotting a revolution and I am helping other’s plot revolutions all over the world. I am ready to create chaos and bring the pain and confusion.I am ready to nurture that formless state between yesterday and tomorrow.

 Because I know that on the other side- art, beauty, truth, change and innovation will be born.

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