Join us for a six month immersive and emergent collective learning experience.
How do we navigate these times?

We are in a social, political, spiritual, and cultural moment of upheaval. As the collective work of liberation calls for us to lean deeper into our values of freedom, self determination and interdependence how do we fortify ourselves, our communities, and our workspaces for the present moment and the times to come?
It’s clear that we cannot continue to rely on the same tools, strategies and tactics that have brought us where we are and keeps us here. What would it look and feel like to bring the tools gifted to us by nature and the ancestors into our work?
What’s possible when we are connected?

Pathways to Liberation is a 6 month immersive and emergent collective learning experience designed to answer this question and more. Join seasoned freedom fighters, facilitators, leaders and movement builders from across the globe in responding to the call and going deep into what it means to truly be ready to propel and maintain liberation.

During our time together, we will discover what it means to replenish, to embed cultural and ancestral knowledge, somatic and embodiment practices into our work.
We will travel towards the self and the collective as a means of fulfillment, freedom, and survival.

Let’s tap into and deeply explore the many long lineages that we all come from whether its Indigenous ways of being and knowing, or Black feminist cultures of care and collectivity.

- Is collective care a core value?
- Do you believe that none of us are expendable or disposable?
- Do you struggle with taking care of your body during these uncertain times?
- Do you believe that it is our duty to fight like hell for each other and our ecosystems?
- Are you looking for a community of practice that is embodied and justice focused?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then THIS is the program for you.
This course has been designed to provide resources, tools and a clear path forward for those that are already a part of liberatory work and practice in meaningful ways, those who have experienced or are on the brink of burn out, and those who understand that when it comes to the work of advancing social justice, there simply has to be something more.
There are two paths that you can choose to participate in:
The Mountain Path:

This path will include 6 months of facilitated live learning sessions, all participants will have access to:
- Six live facilitated sessions
- Recordings of the live session
- Pre-session readings
- Digital course workbook
- Self facilitated pods
- Online community space
The Mountain Path investment: $650
The Shore Path:

This path will be open to those participating in the Mountain Path, and will take place monthly in addition to the sessions in the Mountain Path. This path by application only. Please note that the shore path is inclusive of the mountain path. Participants that are accepted into the shore path will have access to:
- A pre-practice assessment
- Monthly embodiment and practice space
- An individualized personal practice plan
- 3 coaching sessions
- All materials available within the mountain path
The Shore Path investment: $2,500
Applications are due by 6:00pm EST, 02/02/2024
All applicants will be informed of their application status 02/09/24
*further logistics for the Shore path will be sent to participants after acceptance into the program.
* Individuals from either path will have the opportunity to pursue individual 1:1 coaching in bundles of 2, 3, or 6 coaching sessions upon successful completion of our first Mountain path session.

Dates & Times

Mountain Path Dates
6:30pm – 8:00pm EST
2nd Thursday of each month (with the exception of January)
- 01/25/2024
- 02/08/2024
- 3/14/2024
- 4/11/2024
- 5/09/2024
- 06/13/2024
Shore Path Dates
Shore Path participants will attend the dates above and their embodiment practice sessions on the last Thursday of each month
- 2/29/2024
- 3/28/2024
- 4/25/2024
- 5/30/2024
- 6/27/2024
- 7/25/2024
*logistics for the Shore path will be sent to participants after acceptance into the program.

The Mountain Path: $650
The Shore Path: $2,500
Because we are committed to access and equity, a limited number of scholarships are available. Please reach out to our team at if you would like to request a scholarship, or if you would like to sponsor another participant!

Lead Facilitators

Desiree Adaway

Desiree has over 25 years of experience creating, leading and managing international, multicultural teams through major organizational changes in over 40 countries. She has crafted and administered partnerships that have secured over $10.5 million in funding from a variety of private and corporate resources.
As the Senior Director of Mobilization for Habitat for Humanity she was responsible for planning the strategy and training for hundreds of membership organizations, totaling more than 50,000 members. She was responsible for the overall strategy and DEI plans for 1,600 US affiliates and one million volunteers globally.
From this experience Desiree knows that if you want to create real and lasting change in the world you can’t expect to get something better if you’re doing the things you’ve always done.
Key Jackson
Key Jackson is a Afro Indigenous, sweet, queer somebody who is committed to weaving the strength of their community, ancestors and cultural lineages into complete transformation. Key is a healer, oracle and cultural organizer who has been supporting individuals and communities on their journey towards self and collective liberation for the past 20 years.
Their work is centered around the embodiment of love, joy and personal freedom. They are committed to the transmutation of systemic oppression into collective liberation and strive to honor our collective legacies through daily practice, ritual and cultivating community spaces that honor the wholeness of self and our peoples.
Over the years Key has provided support to thousands of organizations and individuals globally, in the form of liberation oriented training, coaching, program and resource development.
Key currently resides in Durham, NC with their Pups Thunder and Saffronia and their fish Champ.


Who is this course for?
Pathways to Liberation has been designed for those who resonate with the idea and are willing to move into practice around what it means to be in deep and meaningful connection to self and community as a means to achieve collective liberation.
Does the Shore Path Include the cost of the Mountain Path?
Yes! If you are interested in taking the Shore path, please register for the Mountain Path and complete the Shore Path Application.
The $650.00 investment in the Mountain path will be counted towards the total due for the Shore Path.
If you are accepted into the Shore Path, our team will send you an invoice and invitation to pay the remaining balance of $1,850.