My summer reading list

(Fiction recommendations anyone?)

I am headed off to my annual beach trip! I take two weeks off every August to reset and renew prior to the Fall overwhelm which always hits my firm as we wrap up 2021 client work.

I savor these two weeks –I stare at the ocean, eat ALL the seafood in sight, nap, and read, read, read, read. 

So what am I taking with me this summer? This is what my beach reading looks like this year:

The Conversation by Dr. Robert Livingston

Dr. Robert Livingston is a social psychologist and one of the nation’s leading experts on the science underlying bias and racism. This book explores how we can address systemic racism in our companies and communities. I am a huge fan of his work and find it helpful for individuals as well as organizations. If you’re working on DEI and racial equity in your workplace his work is a must.   

The Sum of Us  by Heather McGhee

Heather McGhee is an expert in economic and social policy. The former president of the inequality-focused think tank Demos. This book explores how racism has costs for white people, too. This book digs in deep, tallying what we lose when we buy into the zero-sum paradigm—the idea that progress for some of us must come at the expense of others.

Black Imagination curated by Natasha Martin.

This book explores a variety of Black Voices on Black Futures. This book explores a key set of questions for Black folks.

What is your origin story?

How do you heal yourself?

Imagine a world where you are loved, safe, and valued.

A dynamic group of Black folks with multiple identities black children, Black youth, LGBTQ+ Black folks, unsheltered Black folks, incarcerated Black folks, neurodivergent Black folks and their vision for a Black future are captured in this book.

I can not wait to dig into all three of these! 

However…my friends pointed out that I rarely read fiction and they’re convinced I need to add some to my tbr (to be read) pile. What do y’all recommend? Feel free to share here or over on social media. 

The beach is my happy place and it’s where I go to get quiet and reflect. 

Here is wishing you all have space and time this summer to rest, renew and reflect.

Let’s get free!

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