My Summer Reading List! – Time to turn the pages…

It’s August and it’s time for my summer break.

I take off every August to reset and renew prior to the Fall overwhelm, which always hits my firm as we wrap up client work for the year.

I savor this time – I stare at the ocean, I eat ALL the seafood in sight, I nap, and I read, read, read, read. Did I mention that I read?!

What books am I taking with me this summer?


My 2022 Beach Reads!

Mutual Aid by Dean Spade
This book is about why mutual aid is important, what it looks like and how to do it. It focuses on how Mutual Aid is a crucial part of powerful movements for social justice. It offers some concrete tools for organizing and shows us how we can foster a collective decision-making process. The other thing it focuses on is how we deal with burnout which is essential if we want to stay and sustain ourselves doing this work. I’m excited to dig in and learn more about how we can show up with radical acts of care for each other.


My Body is not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church
by Amy Kenny

This book digs into the ableism that’s in the church and paints a new path for Christian communities to engage in disability justice. It’s a call for justice and an invitation to learn new skills and lean into our deepest values. One of the reasons I’m interested in the book is because the author is very transparent about struggling with whether they should use people-first language or identity-first language when talking about disability.


On Critical Race Theory: Why it Matters and Why you Should Care
by Victor Ray

Some of y’all have crushes on rock stars and actors; I have crushes on sociologists.

Victor Ray is one of my go-to sociologists. I always learn so much from reading him. I’m really excited that his book is out in time for my beach reading. Victor explores all the facets of our society that Critical Race Theory questions and pushes back on; he looks deeply into embedded structural racism and explores the historical connection between whiteness, property, and ownership. I cannot wait to jump into this book. Also, if y’all don’t follow Victor Ray on Twitter, y’all are missing out on so much.

Yet again, there is no fiction on this list.

I’m gonna try and do better, but for now, just know that having quiet time to dig into these books and reflect on my year in the work is all I need to reset.

Let me know what you’re reading these days to help you learn and get through. Feel Free to share here or on social media.

I hope you all have time and space for reflection and rest as well.

See y’all in September when we kick off Whiteness at Work!

Let’s get free!


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