The series, called Stop Telling Women To Smile started in the fall of 2012 and is ongoing by the artist.
Kwanzaa Day 6
Principle #6 Kuumba (Creativity) speaks to our shared obligation to do all we can constantly heal and repair the world, making it more beautiful and beneficial than when we inherited it.
I love and respect artist of all kind. They share their creativity with the world and ask us to think, act and respond.
Artist invite us to:
Fight racism
Understand power dynamics
Stand for justice
They make our world more beautiful.
In my opinion, a movement is not a movement without artist leading the way.
Art and Social change go hand in hand.
- Freedom singers like Sweet Honey and The Rock
- Visual Artist like Keith Haring
- Director and Filmmaker Ava Duvernay
- Chicana/Latino Historical and contemporary community muralist
- Yellow Rage-Asian American spoken word resistance artist
Artist helps activist create cultural strategies-they paint visions that spark conversations, of what it would look like if everyone’s humanity was truly recognized.
- How different would our communities be if we left no one behind?
- What conversations would be created if we just listened to voices on the margin?
Art activism, both directly within movements and in the surrounding culture, has been a key element of social protest.
Art is healing
Art is truth
Art in its truest sense reaffirms the dignity and inherent worthiness of every person and people.
Art manifests justice and society is better for it.