
2012-07-15 20.49.09

A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations. ~Gerald Jampolsky

Yesterday I wrote about  my journey to finding and understanding my personal Power.  it was a post I enjoyed writing and hoped you enjoyed reading it.

I have been working with my mastermind group as we explore excuses and all the things that keep us stuck and small. One of those things is limitations.

limitations  plural of lim·i·ta·tion (Noun)

  1. A limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction.
  2. A condition of limited ability; a defect or failing.


Those beliefs that seep into our hearts and minds that stop us from acting .  That small part of our brain that keeps us hidden. Some  of these limitations we let society, our parents, religion, or culture impose on us. Why do we accept them?  You know the invisible lines that are built to keep us in our place.

  • You are too smart.
  • You are not smart enough.
  • You are too young for such a  big promotion.
  • You cant handle that job.
  • You are too old.
  • You are not in good enough shape to enter that race.
  • You live on the wrong side of the tracks.
  • Your skin is too dark.
  • You have breast.. and a vagina.
  • You will get hurt
  • No one in our family has ever done something like that before.


Everyone of the above phrases have been said to me , by people who could give two shakes about my well being and by family members that love me to pieces. Why would they do this?  How could they be so cruel? Why would they not encourage me to go for it.

Mainly, because someone had said those very same words to them.  The funny thing about limitations is that many are those we impose on our self.

So what did I do?

I raised both middle fingers high ( literally and metaphorically) and told them to watch me.

Watch me.

If no other sentence from this post stays with you remember this:

Your limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for yourself.

I did not say it would be easy or fair or rainbows and glitter. Some days you will be ridden like a small pony. People will dismiss you. They will  ignore you and put you in a box. They will tell you to have a seat and get comfortable. They will expect you to shut up and take the check and enjoy the big house and dear God do not complain or think critically.

So its up to you. Will you accept their limitations?  Will you stay in the place that others have decided is where you belong or will you raise your middle fingers high and tell them to watch you.


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