Lead or Follow.









We hear a lot about servant leadership, but what does a servant focused organization look and feel like? And more importantly, why does it matter?


Servant focused organizations embrace transformation -They see the value of transformation in institutional growth. They know that transformation is more than a buzz word but it is a process that their organizations use to  meet their needs. They see the value in transitions and change. They accept that mistakes will happen and build a culture where you admit to mistakes, are forgiven and you are allowed to move on. They focus on the source of their problems and see problems as opportunities to push limits.


Servant focused organizations embrace on-gong learning- They VALUE  learning. They want those being served to grow as people, they want their staff and board members to grow as well.  They see growth of numerous levels-growing in wisdom, in freedom, and in autonomy. They are committed to holistic growth and liberation. They invest in structures, programs and activities where everyone grows..not just a few. They  proudly challenge imbalances of power and  thinking.  They  understand and fully embrace  the need to create awareness, even when it disturbs more than it comforts.



Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.~Steve Jobs

Servant focused organizations embrace enabling environments – They create a culture where people are accepted, honest, authentic, listened to and productive. Policies are  created  so people are free to express themselves, their feelings, their voice and their ideas. They do this sometime at a cost, but they do it anyway. It is absolutely inclusive of all people.  Decisions regarding others provide fair opportunities for their involvement.  Productivity emerges from commitment not control. People work best when they try to accomplish valued missions. It is passion for important purposes that brings out our best.


In these cultures work is meaningful, joy-filled and celebrated. People work hard for other people and cultures designed  to support strengths. They are designed to allow individuals to do what they do best everyday. Momentum and success are created. Goals are achieved. Lasting change happens.


Servant focused organizations lead….the rest just follow.


If you want to build core  nonprofit management skills crucial to your organization’s success you can schedule some 1:1 time with me here or learn about other ways we can work together here. You can also get inspiration, ideas, resources  tools and freebies  by signing up for my  newsletter




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