Larger Ideas










Sometimes  our ideas  seem to be too much. You know what I mean, they seem to be so big, so grand– so visionary that others think they are just plain crazy.

I want you to have those type of ideas.

The ideas that seem so far fetch that people want to call the police and have you locked away. Before you finish speaking everyone shakes there head screaming “No way!!”

I want you to dream those type of dreams.

Those are the type of dreams that took us to the moon, found the human genome, integrated schools,let a black man become president of this country.

Big ideas matter. They shape history and transform lives. We were born to create ideas. Big one. Powerful ones. The kind that scare us at our core but move our hearts.

The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Expand your mind. Expand the  collective mind of your organization. Create big ideas.

Never return to your original size.



If you want to build core  nonprofit management skills crucial to your organization’s success you can schedule some 1:1 time with me here or learn about other ways we can work together here.

You can also get inspiration, ideas, resources  tools and freebies including my latest report:  Top 5 questions you need to think about before you go out and change the world by signing up for my  newsletter

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