It Will Not Always Be Easy

Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They’re what make the instrument stretch-what make you go beyond the norm. ~ Cicely Tyson

Some days are just hard. There are cycles in organizations like life that are just  difficult.  Everything seems to be in retrograde. Storms WILL come. Struggle is part of the evolutionary process.

You stand knowing that no matter how great things maybe today, there will be some hurdle to overcome.

Where was the fantasy born that everyday would be filled with goodness and light…. That if times are difficult or challenging the we must be doing something wrong?

Just because you are struggling does NOT mean you are failing. Good things don’t come to those who wait. Good things come to those who work hard and struggle to pursue the goals and dreams they believe in.

The process has  value. It helps prepares us for what’s next.

That hard space is a vital ingredient for innovation and a  necessary step for growth.We as humans hate being uncomfortable or  in pain, we hate not knowing or  life being difficult.

Here is the simple truth: Struggle is ok…..stopping is not.



If you want to build core  nonprofit management skills crucial to your organization’s success you can schedule some 1:1 time with me here or learn about other ways we can work together here.

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