I was chatting with a client yesterday. A really smart founder who has a small organization that is doing great impactful work. She was having trouble, like most of us with asking for help and support when she is going under and overwhelmed by all that is on her to-do-list. We talked a lot about why and what asking for help feels like ( vulnerable, scary, out of control). We talked about modeling healthy behaviors ( especially as her organization does direct service work with inner city girls). It was a great session.
Then I dropped a nugget of goodness of her:
Revolutions are shared.
I shared with her that as a founder she can not start a movement on her own… alone she is a nut. A movement only truly starts when you invite others to join you. When you share the vision, the load, the successes and the lessons. Movements are about co-creation. Together we are always bigger than whatever storm is in front of us. An idea that is shared grows stronger.
When we share we find peace, the power to co-create and a richness beyond measure.
Share your vision and your troubles. Lets share it all. It is what we are born to do.