What Hope Looks Like


Photo Credit: Unknown

The last Day of Kwanzaa

Principle #7  Imani (faith) tells us to believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory our struggle. Faith calls us to believe in the good we seek to create, to work for it, and to live it in our daily lives. Only then will we be able to repair and renew ourselves in the process and practice of repairing, rebuilding and renewing the world.

It reaffirms the faith of our ancestors that we can, indeed, be the hope and the dream of the slave.

My grandma was a faithful, praying woman. Her prayers were mighty and she would get on her knees and pray things into existence.

I am not playing, she made stuff happen.

She is the woman that taught me about fath.
She taught me that hope can bring happiness and give meaning and measure to our lives.

She taught me that we can always find and put in place fair and equitable solutions to the problems which consume and divide our world; that we can repair shattered lives, make peace with broken relationships; that communities can build solidarity based on mutual respect and cooperation for mutual benefit and good in the world.

That as long as we live we can always do better, be better, have more. That the struggle of marginalized voices is a righteous struggle and it’s our duty to fight. 

Power for the people and with the people,

Here is wishing everyone of you peace, love and happiness in the new year. May we all have the opportunity to use our gifts to contribute to the healing of the world.

May all the freedom fighters be loved and supported in 2017.

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