Healing Medicine

2013-02-19 21.32.47



Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient ― Steve Maraboli





When creating or doing something new, we open ourselves up.  We open ourselves up for  comment, accolades, good strokes and well wishes. We open ourselves up for new connections and a richer community. As I write this I am in the middle of challenging myself to complete 28 yoga classes in 28 days… all types of yoga including Bikram.  You know the 90 minute hot-bootcamp-you will never make it out alive -yoga. I am overweight and 47 years old and out of shape.   This is hard work.

I have lots of folks in my corner…cheering me on.  I am blessed. They tell me how proud of me they are. How much they respect what I am doing. I have lots of good folks on my side who love me no matter what….even when I smell like a middle school locker room after a class.

I feel really vulnerable every time I walk in a yoga class. Many times while not the oldest, I am one of the largest and many times the only brown face in the room.   The minute I walk in the door my brain begins to tell me  horrible stories:

  • WHAT are you doing? You are too old for this?
  • You look STUPID trying to do some of these poses. You should sit down.
  • EVERYONE is looking at you.

I go to yoga  anyway.Why do I intentionally bring this anxiety into my life?

I get to lean into discomfort and I get to feel resilient. There are great lessons for me in both those activities.

This is good medicine. The healing kind that makes me feel strong spiritually.

We as a society like to run away from discomfort.We don’t like being the only ANYTHING. Its natural for us to enter a room, whether its a yoga class or a networking event and search out  someone that looks like us,  or sounds like us  so we can relate to them. We  do this to help ease our anxiety. Our social security blanket.

Yet I  argue its good for us to push a bit and lean into discomfort– I am not talking about living in a place of high anxiety every day – but to step into a space that is new and unfamiliar.This discomfort is a gift… one that very few people or organizations actively seek.This discomfort should push your boundaries so that you feel tired, but it should never  hurt. Like when you speak your truth and  your voice is loud and clear and just a bit shaky.

Discomfort is medicine.

Life is not easy, nor is it fair. To thrive we have to be resilient. Throw me an obstacle and I will grow stronger.  When I fall down.. I never stay there. As a woman leader this one skill has served me well. No one has ever said life would be easy and obstacle free.

Human beings have enormous amounts of resilience. We just don’t think we do. Some where along the way we began to believe the story that other  people got all the good stuff.. they got the fierceness, the self confidence, the courage, the moxie .. and we got what was left.

We all have strength and passion in the face of adversity. Everyone of us. We have strong minds and spirits that can bounce back.

Resilience is medicine.

My yoga mat has taught me great lessons about my ability to master myself- The greatest power on earth.













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