Getting Lost In The Labyrinth

Today’s wisdom is being shared by one of my favorite people Heather Plett.

Heather is the author of “How to Lead with your Paint Clothes on”. She’s been exploring what it means to be a leader for more than fourteen years in various government, non-profit, and community-related roles. In that time she’s had a bunch of long and important-sounding titles like Regional Director of Communication and Commemoration for Veterans Affairs Canada, Communications Manager for Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health, and Director of Resources and Public Engagement for Canadian Foodgrains Bank. She is now self-employed and though she’s tempted to give herself a long and important-sounding title, she’s mostly content to spend her days writing, exploring, teaching, and serving as a mid-wife for other people’s brilliance. She blogs at and can also be found at

Her words are beautiful and will break you wide open. Here she share’s her thoughts on leadership and the productivity that emerges when you slow down. I wish you all space for creativity and self discovery!

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

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Reveling in Possibility

Friends, My body, my heart, and my spirit has felt different these last 48 hours. Has yours? Lighter. Buoyant. Expansive. My heart has been fortified. Strengthened. I’ve been reflecting on why –and there are so many things to point to, many, but I keep coming back to...

Slow, Deep, Irreversible Work

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