Now is the time.
Don’t just talk about it. Be about it.

Equity Audit
Ignite and inform the shifts needed to move from being a transactional to a transformational culture that centers your people.
Our audit has successfully helped clients across sectors identify, uproot, and transform organizational and systemic gaps inhibiting their diversity, equity, and inclusion work.
An equity assessment provides concrete, primary data from your own staff, leadership, board, community/customers about their experiences with your organization. It uncovers the ideas, strategies, and wisdom that are already present in the team. It surfaces existing norms and any oppressive and inequitable policies, practices, and power structures so they can be named, examined, and changed.

How it Works:

- We collect qualitative (interviews, focus groups, and analysis of relevant documents) and quantitative data (surveys) to elicit an organization’s complete and in-depth picture.
- Our research skills and our organizational development expertise coalesce to generate a pathway for organizational transformation. Instead of overwhelming leadership with information, we will organize priorities based on what we’ve seen to be most impactful and aligned with your organizational goals.
- We deliberately structure recommendations to be actionable and to contribute to your organization’s DEI strategy.
- We map out action plans for key recommendations and provide how-to guides that can be used to directly implement the recommendations.

“The Adaway Group’s equity audit process transformed the way our agency approaches equity work! The audit included analysis, feedback, and recommendations PLUS a wide range of resources and access to their expertise as we looked with new eyes at policies, systems, and practices that were steeped in white supremacy. The recommendations were detailed and actionable -like they promised and gave us plenty to work with (and work on!). Desiree continually reminded us to be patient with ourselves and committed to the journey instead of fixating on a destination. The Adaway Group’s patience, wisdom, experience, and brilliance inspired us, challenged us, and gave us hope when all we could see was where we needed to improve!”
~ Celeste Collins, Executive Director of OnTrack

“Desiree, Jessica, and their colleagues conducted an internal audit of our staff and board’s approach to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, provided thorough and actionable recommendations for all levels of our organization, and supported our early implementation of those recommendations. In addition to providing data-driven findings customized for our organization, they delivered their work with care for us and also for their own vision. The Adaway team impressively showcased their own expertise, held strong to their convictions, and brought others along, even when the topics were sensitive or difficult for many. Their recommendations have driven the ways that we think about team building, recruitment and retention, internal policies, professional development, meeting norms, governance, programming, and all the ways that we do and should agitate the status quo as leaders in our sector.”
~ Sarah Kearney, Executive Director, Prime Coalition