Connection, Contribution, and Meaning…Part I



In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it.
Marianne Williamson



This is part I of a three part series exploring the key components of social change.



If you were to ask me the why we are here on this earth I would say to find common ground, to contribute to the greater good and live our values.

If I distill that concept down further we are here to love, to serve, and to be. Those three things are our highest human purpose.

When I am living my best life and my community is at its strongest we are living from that place of love, service and being fully present—for ourselves and for each other.

Even more importantly these are the key components to social change.  It takes more than mission to change the world.

Connection =Love

We all have a desire to feel love, to feel a deep sense of connection.

As people move towards fulfilling this desire, feelings of unfairness and disappointment dissolve. Blame  and shame are disappear and trust is increased. Things like fairness, and justice become important to us because as these things enter our lives we want them for others.

The more connections we have the more we trust self and trust of others. These connections across boundaries and man-made structures like language  and culture become easier the more we trust in our selves. The more we listen to our own voices. When we trust we no longer resent. When we trust we are hopeful.  As connection becomes easier, and a greater sense of self-trust develops, so that old feelings of betrayal and resentment are no longer needed as forms of protection.

We are all connected… I care for you like I care for myself. Your problems are my problems and we will solve them together. Less about me and more about us … and the community we create.

With true connections you accept people for where they are on their personal paths. By  expressing a genuine personal concern  for family’s and communities and showing a personal commitment to people—especially through the power of personal touch (physical and emotional) is one of the most powerful social change agents we have at our disposal.

We cannot solve problems with others unless we are connected to them…until we know them, until we see and acknowledge them.

As you design programs, create organizations and develop projects know that no social change project will ever stick unless connecting with people is at the center of the work you do, until people and their gifts are acknowledged.

Who do you need to connect with  today?

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