Competent, Capable and Empowered

2013-04-28 19.40.23








I spent the majority of yesterday coaching managers and directors at a local organization.

Hooray for ME!

I love coaching managers and helping them tap into their natural strengths and skills, to help them create cultures and teams that are competent, capable and empowered.

Those are some powerful words… and exactly the type of leadership necessary to create strong organizations.

Competent. Capable. Empowered.

This does not happen overnight or in a vacuum.  Senior leaders and boards have to to want it. They have to value it and they have to invest in it.

What does that  look like?

1. Safe Space- An environment where people are valued,and seen.  Where they can disagree and they can debate, where its encouraged and is built into the decision making process. People can speak their mind and they can dream. They can vision a bigger program, brighter future and they wont be laughed at or put down. They will not just be encouraged to go out and do it…. it will be mandated! What if you invested in R&D? What if you had a room full of crazy creatives that were able to try and fail.. and try and fail over and over again until they succeed in ways you could never imagine. What if your organization valued R&D like Apple or HP or Google?

2. Networks/ Connections: This can be peer to peer networking, mentoring or memberships in associations. People who can implement, build alliances and strong networks can get more done with less. BE GENEROUS. The new economy often involves trading in things that don’t cost money. To  help them intentionally step away from  the creation of strategy or the raising of dollars so they could reconnect and renew their hearts  and minds. helped them build their tribe so they can play the long game.

3. Resources/Tools: Give your folks what they need to get the job done. No, seriously. Give them the time, tools, resources, technology they need.  What if you invested in technology? Not played at investing, but did it- whole hog, because you know that your amazing staff has made miracles happen with 20 year old databases and little technological support. You can only imagine the magic they could spread with the right tools in their capable hands. Let’s not even discuss what they could do with new media utilized strategically to leverage resources.

Competent, capable and empowered leaders are bold enough to dream and brave enough to fail….and they will change the world.

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