We cannot do this work without
combining practice with reflection
and urgency with patience.

Coaching & Consulting
Gain insight into leading and managing teams through times of transition. Workshops and coaching designed for staff, board, and leadership teams focused on transforming workplace cultures toward equity and inclusion.
As you work to further infuse diversity, equity and inclusion principles The Adaway Group is available to support your team, management, and leadership with 1:1 coaching and team strategy calls. Goals for these sessions will be tailored for each individual or team.

Coaching & Consulting Sessions include:

- Personal and professional development
- Leadership skills for mentoring and managing across difference
- Addressing organizational norms and archetypes that reinforce inequity
- Skills building for having difficult conversations
- Building transformational community with stakeholder groups
- Business development and planning using liberatory frameworks
- Whiteness roundtables to build skills and accountability for white and white-presenting team members