Building Your Dream

If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help you build theirs.~ Anon






How many times have you talked about creating an organization or a social enterprise,  but never moved into action? How many times have you seen a problem in your community or an issue that has touched your heart but did not act?

How many times have you said to yourself… maybe next week, next month, or next year?

I get it . I do. I understand.

Its too scary… its too much work..its so overwhelming, where do you even start…..what if  you fail.

You are right. Big dreams are scary.

And more….

We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness.

Bet on yourself. Believe in the power of YOU. The power of Community.

Will you make mistakes?  Damn right

I have an almost obsessive   fascination with founders  and am currently writing a new eBook/ interview series :Founders’ Stories: The Magic, Beauty, Struggle and Sacrifice of Starting a Nonprofit Organization.

Every human that has ever created anything has made mistakes, failed,fallen short- but they kept going despite unbelievable odds.

The free eBook will be released sometime in 2012, along with select recorded interviews. If there is sufficient interest, I will also develop a tele-seminar that will run in late 2012—early 2013. ..but that is not what I want to talk about now.

As a part of this project, I am conducting interviews with nonprofit founders across the country. I am inviting the founders of organizations to be a part of this program. In selecting these organizations, I am looking for diversity in terms of both geography and mission. I am looking for founders who have built outstanding organizations that focus on service and impact. I believe that their  stories – their advice, experience and perspective – will be invaluable to you.

My hope is their personal stories and experiences will help the next generation of nonprofit/ social enterprise founders and will provide invaluable information for those working in the sector. Because  to create something magical we need a a combination of   real world  experience in creating, running or maintaining an organization and inspiration.

That is one of the reasons I created my Starting And Operating A Non Profit Class.

In this  four week tele-class, I am going to show you how to:

  • Create the organizational framework for an effective organization
  • Help you understand all of the required reporting and paperwork
  • Help you create  an engaged community that will volunteer and donate.
  • Give you the confidence and inspiration to take your dream to reality and transform lives


This tele-class will serve as an introduction to the basic concepts and skills needed to create and run a sustainable organization.

You are not alone…many have gone before you and are willing to share their wisdom and support you on this journey.  YOU can create a sustainable organization that will ultimately help build healthy, strong communities.


Reveling in Possibility

Friends, My body, my heart, and my spirit has felt different these last 48 hours. Has yours? Lighter. Buoyant. Expansive. My heart has been fortified. Strengthened. I’ve been reflecting on why –and there are so many things to point to, many, but I keep coming back to...

Slow, Deep, Irreversible Work

Hey y'all! My friend, April Baskin, was on a panel in San Francisco recently and was talking about white supremacy, anti-semitism, and anti-Black racism. April mentioned a quote from an artist and organizer, Ricardo Levins Morales: “The work we do should be slow,...

Soft with each other hard on systems

Hello friends! Last week, I had the privilege and honor of speaking on two different panels about how the systems we find ourselves in are hard on every one of us. They are hard on us emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Yet, we continue to fight to...