Admitting When It Sucks





I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.
Michael Jordan





Starting, maintaining, sustaining, creating, working within an organization can be hard.


Bone weary, I can not take this another second. I will break into a million pieces HARD.

Few resources…no help…no traction…sigh.

The storm clouds hang overhead and you wonder if you will make it through.  All you want to do is throw in the towel and call it quits.

Sometime the best thing you can do is admit that it sucks then let it go.

Turn the lights off and lock the door behind you.

I know you are screaming at your electronic devise as you read this , shaking your fist at me calling me dirt, dirty names.

Hear me out.

How dare I tell you to give up.  This is YOUR dream… YOUR organization, your livelihood… your community.

I am not saying give up on your dream…I am saying give up on this VERSION of your dream.

Leaving a bad situation makes space for the right situation to be born. Shutting down an ineffective board, a poorly run organization or business creates room for new resources and ideas to emerge.

Sometimes just admitting it sucks out-loud allows you to let go of fear and pain. It allows others to see  and hear TRUTH.   Real truth leads to transformation and helps you get clear on what you are afraid of, what you need to create, what needs to be stopped and what needs to evolve.

Your dream is allowed to be reborn. This time it can be faster, stronger and more agile. More whole and more sustainable.

Deviation is OK and sometimes it will be your savior but first you have to have the courage to admit when it really sucks.



If you want to build core  nonprofit management skills crucial to your organization’s success you can schedule some 1:1 time with me here or learn about other ways we can work together here.

You can also get inspiration, ideas, resources  tools and freebies including my latest report:  Top 5 questions you need to think about before you go out and change the world by signing up for my  newsletter



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